15 Computer Tips and Tricks Everyone Should Know

Computer users everywhere know that there are many things they can do on their computer that they didn't even know existed. In this article, we will be discussing some of the more common computer tips and tricks that everyone should know. These essential tips can help you get the most out of your computer, from changing computer settings to saving files. So read on and learn how to use your computer better!

15 Computer Tips and Tricks Everyone Should Know
 15 Computer Tips and Tricks Everyone Should Know

Everyone knows that a computer can be a powerful tool, but maybe some of these lesser-known tips and tricks will come in handy. Here are 15 computer tips and tricks everyone should know: 

To speed up your web browsing, try to use a fast website or a search engine with cached results. 

To keep your computer running smoothly, regularly defragment your hard drive.

You can do many things on your computer that you may not even know about. Here are 15 computer tips and tricks everyone should know.

Computer tips and Tricks 

today I've got a bunch of cool stuff for you15 tips that everyone should know about using your computer. Some of these are windows specific; some are just forayed computers some have to do with browsers, so we got a lot of variety. You should find it pretty interesting, so why don't we get started now? 

Read More: 8 Common Mistakes Quick Tips To Improve Your English

Hopefully, everyone already knows how to click and drag a file you left-click, drag it into another folder, and move it there but did you know you can right-click and drag files and windows? That's right; I bet you never even tried it before. What you do is you click and hold with a right-click just as you would with a left-click.

And move it into another folder, and instead of moving it right away, it will bring up a context menu with a few options on whether you want to copy, move or create a shortcut, so this could be a lot easier than having to right-click every file doing copy and paste or even using keyboard shortcuts this could be faster than all that and if you have other programs that do copy and paste those.

should show up in the context menu a swell so pretty cool you mine down a note about that following up number two has to do with selecting text now obviously if you click and drag regularly it selects text by the character but if you didn't already know you can double-click. On the second click, you start dragging. It will select text by the word instead of just by the character, and you can actually.

Computer tips and tricks 2022

Computer tips and tricks 2022 Triple-click and it will select by the entire paragraph, so if you know that you're going to be selecting an entire paragraph of stuff, triple-clicking will make it a lot easier to select an individual paragraph without having to get it exact with the character level also on top of that if you hold down alt and start the Select text it will allow you to select vertical sections of text it says having to do it line by line so that could be useful too. 

However, I don't think that works in Chrome; unfortunately, it should work everywhere else. The next few are specific to Google Chrome. They might work in other browsers as well, so number three is that if you want to search within a specific site, you can go into the address bar and type the website's name like google.com or maybefacebook.com. Instead of pressingenterif, you press the tab; it will allow you to enter a query that will only search within that site there are advanced.

Ways to type in commands into the Google search bar, but this is way easier. You can do a write-in Chrome, and it's just as simple as typing in an address bar. Just type in the website tabard search, and you're good to go. Number four is one that you are going to love if you didn't know this one already, 

so in Google Chrome, if you accidentally close out a browser tab, you can bring it back with the most potent command, ctrl shift T. It will restore the tab that you just closed accidentally or even close several tabs ago it will restore them one by one even if you close therein a row also even if you close out Chrome altogether if you close.

Computer tips and tricks PDF

 Computer tips and tricks PDF The program then opens it up again and press control shift T. It will bring up the tab that you just closed last, so this is a great way to restore the tab if you, I don't know, your computer crashes, or you accidentally close the whole program or just the valuable tab. However, one important note is this will not work in incognito mode for pretty apparent reasons. 

The whole idea is with the incognito mode; it doesn't save history, so once you close the tab, it's gone for good number five. This one is a speedy one for YouTube, so obviously, you can all enjoy it. You have to right-click if you ever want to watch a video loop like a song or something like that.

if it doesn't show up in the drop-down, for example, if you're not using html5 or something like that, if you right-click twice without moving the cursor, it will bring up the standard context menu you're used to instead of the custom YouTube one. There will also be another option to loop it that way. 

Number six, this one can be pretty fun. It will allow you to edit any webpage to say whatever you want so you can mess with friends or create fake screenshots or whatever you want, and all you have to do is right-click in Chrome and hit inspector. You can press f12 touring up the same menu, and then go tithe console in Chrome and type in the following command document dot on with on in quotes.

Top 10 computer tricks

Top 10 computer tricks And like I said, this will put the page into a designer mode which means you can highlight and type in new text and change it just like you would a Word document or something like that. There's also very similar to the functionality in Firefox. All you have to do is right-click and hit inspect again, 

just like in Chrome, and in this way, it's a little bit different; I don't know if there's an actual design mode. However, you can still go into the page source and change text, and it will show up on the page, so it's the same thing, just a little bit more complex, possibly moving on to number 7, another Windows one now if you already know how to do alt-tab that's pretty useful it allows.

You can switch between different windows quickly if you play many article games that are full screen. This is especially useful, but did you know that there is a better-looking version of attar, the Windows key tab? So this will look a little bit different depending on which version of Windows you have, but for example, in Windows 10if, you press the Windows tab, and it brings up a view. 

It could give you a better idea of what's actually in those windows instead of an alt-tab, which shows you a little tiny thumbnail. It might look better depending on which system you're on. Number eight, this one will be for people who are a little bit more advanced. If you ever have to run a command with a command prompt in a specific folder, you usually have to use the CD changer directory command and type in the hole location.

Computer tricks to impress friends

Computer tricks to impress friends Or you have to right-click the anthem folder and the open command prompt here. It isn't straightforward, but Windows Explorer alloy has a much easier way to go to the address bar for that window and type in CMD. It will automatically open a command prompt to that folder path without you having to do anything extra it's elementary rapid number nine. 

This one is avered general tip for really any computer. Still, if you're ever having problems with your computer it's networking, and you have to go to your IT department for help, and you want to describe the problem, you have to do it very precisely and say what you did you.

Know what was the context of the problem what it's showing instead of just saying it's not working don't know how many times I've had friends who are saying all this program isn't working. I'll say, well, what's wrong with it. They'll say it's an error message. It's like that does not help atoll. I can't help you with that, so don't expect your IT department to have a magic wand where they run one command.

 It fixes everything they usually have to figure out precisely what went wrong, so you have to be specific in what you see and what you are expecting, and it'll just be faster for everyone, all right, number 10. This one is significant when you go to install the program, and that is to not always click right through the Installer and accept everything right away you want to read which options you're selecting because.

computer networking tricks and tips

computer networking tricks and tips A lot of times, these programs, especially free installers, will have extra bloatware that they install along with the program; if you click through without checking the option not to do that, you're going to get a lot of extra crampons on your PC because if you didn't know allot of freeware free programs.

are supported by other software that will pay to have that free program install their toolbar along with it, so it's like advertising because they assume that a lot of people are just going to click Next without checking what they're installing so they want their program on as many computers they want no matter what so allot of times these options will be under something like custom installation or advanced installation.

And it'll say automatic installation recommended, yep, because it's going to install all the junk, so anytime you can always click custom installation or advanced installation and see what the options are, and if it says accept or deny, looks at what you're accepting because it might say deny installing the junk that you don't need to install along with it so be aware of all that number 11 this one is going to save a lot of you guys headaches. It is the Gmail undo send option, so if you didn't know, 

Gmail has an option to undo sending within a specific time frame and to enable it, all you do is go to the gear option in Gmail. Go to settings and then go to the general settings and scroll down. You'll see an option to enable undo send, and you have to enable it, and then you would have an option to delay it by 5 to 30 seconds. Within that timeframe, after you sedan the email, you can choose to click undo, and it won't send it, so it's not like it takes the email back.

IT tips and tricks for end users

IT tips and tricks for end user's But instead, it delays sending it by that number second, so if you realize right after clicking it oh my gosh, I sent it to the wrong person, or I replied all or something crazy like that, you can undo it and fix it before it goes out to everybody number 12 this is another mail one and this is that you can create multiple email addresses kind of with your one Gmail account and what I mean by that is say you.

have your email address if I use goo test atgmail.com you can actually add a plus and then anything after that first part of the email address. It will still work, and this is useful. For example, if you get a lot of spam, let's say you're signing up for Face book what you can do is type in your user name plus Facebook @ gmail.com, and then it will still go.

To your email address, but now Facebook thinks that's your email address, so if they were to sell your email address to spammers, it's going to be still going to that custom email, so that can be useful. Still, it would help if you kept in mind that sometimes websites will be aware of this, and they might not let you do this. It might say enter a valid email. However, most of the time, it should still work number 13.

this ingoing to fix one of the most annoying things in Windows, which is if you have an update pending to install, if you got shut down your computer or restart, it would make you install the updates before you do so. Sometimes you don't want to do that. You want to restart the computer quickly. You don't have to wait for all the updates well; there is a way to bypass installing the updates and just shut it down prestart right away, so what you do is you go to the desktop and make sure the desktop is in focus by just clicking somewhere on the desktop.

Computer tips of the day

Computer tips of the day And then pressing alt f4 is why you want the desktop open because all f4normally closes programs. Still, suppose you're on the desktop. In that case, it opens up a context menu with some options to shut down, which in addition to the options of shutting down and restarting and installing updates, you could shut down or restart directly now. 

I don't see this option because I have no pending updates. Still, it would be there another way to do this is if you press ctrl Alt Delete. It brings up the blue screen with the different options. If you click on the bottom right power button icon, it will also allow you to shut down or restart directly with the same option alright coming near the end number 14 this ingoing to work on any computer.

An operating system Windows Mac whatever, and hopefully, you already know this one. Still, if you didn't, you could press the tab when entering different text fields. It will automatically move to tithe next text box, so say you're filling out a sign-up form or your address details or something. Instead of going and clicking into the following box, you press the tab. Maybe some of you who knew that one didn't know this if you press shift-tab, it will automatically get the previous box, 

so if you accidentally press the tab, you can press shift-tab, and it goes back. You can do it that way as well. Okay, number 15, this one's probably the most important. It's going to work on any computer, and nobody seems to know if you're going to thank me for this one, so not many people realize that every single computer sold has a unique feature called.

PC tips for better performance

PC tips for better performance Contrary to popular belief, with an off button, you see that it's possible not to bean the computer. You'll be able to have access to a lot more features, such as one called going outside, which not many people these days because don't even know about that feature, and the most helpful situation for this is if you're online. Maybe you see something you don't generally like; 

everyone would be forced to type out a comment expressing their anger about it; however, now that you know about the new off button, you can turn off your computer entirely and limit your exposure to those things you don't like instead of getting angry about them and then you could go to the outside area but anyway had jokes aside hopefully you guys.

Did still find these tips helpful, maybe even the last one. I think many people don't genuinely know about going outside. It seems like it, but anyway, you can let us know if you guys know any other tips in the comments section. 

Also, if you want to keep watching, I've got some other videos right here you can watch. I think you'll enjoy those, and if you want to make new videos every Tuesday, Thursday Saturday should be worth it, so I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys again.

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